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The Team Management Profile

The TMS Team Management Profile (TMP) is one of the world’s leading psychometric profiling tools for personal, team and leadership development. Since 1985, the TMP has successfully delivered a framework for creating and sustaining high performing teams for many of the world’s most successful organizations.

The Team Management Profile is about learning, not just assessment. It identifies eight core activities (Types of Work Wheel), mapped against four work preference measures (RIDO Scale) which combine to create an individual’s unique Team Management Profile. The advantages of understanding a team member’s Profile include:

  1. Being able to identify a person’s strengths and work preferences,
  2. A greater self-awareness and strategies to improve performance,
  3. Helping people understand why they work the way they do,
  4. Providing a common language for teams to communicate with,
  5. Enabling leaders to successfully and confidently assign people to projects and tasks, and
  6. Delivering objective, constructive and work-focused insights.

If you are operating in an environment where your teams or clients are seeking improved team effectiveness, greater understanding of team dynamics and opportunities for improvement, this simple and easy to implement Profile is affordable, agile and results-driven.

With 208 Profile combinations, the Team Management Profile is one of the most comprehensive personal Profiles available today.

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Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360)

The LLP|360 identifies performance around fundamental people, task and leadership-related skills. Based on 360° feedback, the Profile provides a gap analysis of the extent to which the leader should and does demonstrate the key behaviours. Used to support leadership development, coaching and performance management, the Profile starts a conversation around priorities and allow a realignment of expectations.

Extensive interviews with teams and team leaders throughout the world have highlighted the common elements responsible for integrating and coordinating teams into a coherent 'whole'. Team Management Systems identifies these elements as Linking Skills.

Research has shown that it is difficult for an individual to assess their own 'skills' accurately. A person can only be considered to have Linking Skills if they are recognized as such by others who interact with the person concerned on a regular basis. 

The LLP|360 provides leaders with:

  1. Critical insights into their work-related behavior,
  2. A gap analysis of the extent to which they demonstrate these behaviors, and
  3. Real-time strategies to improve leadership skills that can be implemented immediately.

As a leading psychometric diagnostic, the Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360) enables organizations to benchmark, monitor and measure performance improvement over time.

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Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient Profile (QO2)

Is your glass half-empty or half-full? The Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient Profile looks at people's approach to risk and determines the balance of effort put into seeing the opportunities and obstacles at work. Some people have a higher risk acceptance than others and may see only the opportunities, often ignoring the obstacles. Others may be risk averse and see only the obstacles, ignoring the possibilities of new projects or ventures.

The Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (QO2™) Profile is a unique instrument measuring people's inherent approach to risk. It assesses the balance of energy they are likely to put into seeing the opportunities or seeing the obstacles. An Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (the QO2™) is calculated which enables comparison of team members' risk acceptance levels. The QO2™ and related feedback is calculated from an individual's response to fifty questions. The information provides an effective starting point for discussions regarding personal and team development.

For most jobs it is important to have some sort of 'balance'. People who focus on the opportunities without seeing potential obstacles can make hasty decisions, whereas those who focus on the obstacles may never give the go-ahead to new products or ventures. It is this degree of balance within individuals, teams and organizations which can have profound implications on issues such as conflict resolution, goal setting, problem-solving, risk management and change.

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Window on Work Values Profile (WoWV)

Values have a major influence on how individuals approach their work. Values drive our decisions, cause us to defend what we believe in and determine our behavior at work. The Window on Work Values Profile Questionnaire (WoWPQ) is a 64-item questionnaire where individuals record those activities or situations at work that they value. The Window on Work Values Profile offers important insights into how things actually get done in your organization, helping you gain better understanding of how people operate together and how well individuals fit with the culture of the workplace.

Values are concepts or beliefs which people use to guide their behavior in the workplace. Values will drive our decision-making and cause us to summon up energy to preserve what we believe in. They go beyond specific situations and determine how we view people, behavior and events. Often major sources of conflict and disillusionment are due to mismatched values.

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HET Eng TMOct2024

Team Signals Report Bundle

Not sure where to take your team next? Team Signals can help. This multi-rater tool uncovers strengths and areas for growth, aligning everyone with shared goals. By tackling questions like “Who are we?” it offers practical insights and clear reports, helping your team grow together and stay on track for success.

Team Signals is a diagnostic tool that enhances team performance by assessing key dynamics, including alignment, communication, and engagement. Based on the High Energy Teams Model, it provides personalized and team-wide insights across eight strategic areas, helping to identify strengths and areas for growth. It supports leaders in prioritizing development efforts, tracking progress, and implementing targeted strategies to boost productivity and morale. Ideal for strategic team development, leadership coaching, and change management, Team Signals empowers teams to align with organizational goals and achieve high performance.

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