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Featured case studies

  • Paving Student Career Pathways
    Career Development

    Paving Student Career Pathways

    The Team Management Profile generated meaningful insights and equipped university students in South Korea with a framework for considering career path decisions despite having relatively little workplace experience.

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  • Alternative approaches in Innovation Leadership
    Leadership Development

    Alternative approaches in Innovation Leadership

    ExxonMobil is in a complex business that requires innovation. They merged technical learning and leadership development, and used the Team Management Profile to create an inclusive culture allowing their geoscience teams to bring all of their technical and innovation prowess to the table.

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  • Engineers Unlock Creativity and Innovative Thinking

    Engineers Unlock Creativity and Innovative Thinking

    The Singapore Institute of Materials Research supercharged creativity and innovation within their team of engineers. They developed The Innovative Team programme, using the powerful Team Management Systems QO2 Profile, offering insight into the engineer’s approach to risk.

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  • Culture Change in Tokyo
    Global Workforce

    Culture Change in Tokyo

    A technology team in Japan became more strategic and outwardly focused. Using the Team Management Profile they undertook a major change in culture more focused on their client’s needs.

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