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Success Stories High Performing Teams

High Performing Teams

  • TMP & WoWV: A Powerful Combination

    Armstrong Flooring's cultural shift, led by Amicus, using Team Management Profile (TMP) and Window on Work Values (WoWV) Profile, fostered accountability and enhanced communication. Participants reported improved relationships, effectiveness, and innovation, achieving 100% satisfaction in communication practices.

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  • Fluent in the Language of Teamwork

    TMS Network Member, Dianne Dew, believed that through building stronger connections within the PwC Management team, there would be a greater appreciation of differences and understanding within the team. This would enable them to excel as individuals and as a leadership group.

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  • Harnessing Employee Preferences

    With a priority to remain at the forefront of the Property Tech industry, Equiem prioritises their employees as the core of their competitive advantage, using the Team Management Profile to leverage the diversity of individual preferences.

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  • Banking on a Champion Team

    A senior National Australia Bank (NAB) business unit used the Team Management Profile to transform a group of excellent subject matter experts into a high-performing team.

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  • Applying Science at Let's Talk Science

    The Margerison-McCann Team Management Profile is ingrained in the way not-for-profit organization Let's Talk Science manages its staff and its network of nearly 4,000 volunteers.

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