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Success Stories Leadership Development

Leadership Development

  • Designing the Future

    Emerging from COVID lockdowns with strong leadership and a solid succession pipeline was the focus for the development with TVS Architects. The Margerison-McCann Team Management Profile helped build a Team Charter and establish clear goals.

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  • Preparing for Merger and Developing Leaders

    Bringing together two strong regional banks to create a financial services powerhouse in the Hunter meant taking their people on that journey of change. Tailored leadership and contributor programs, featuring the powerful QO2 Profile empowered staff to maximise the merger’s value.

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  • Alternative approaches in Innovation Leadership

    ExxonMobil is in a complex business that requires innovation. They merged technical learning and leadership development, and used the Team Management Profile to create an inclusive culture allowing their geoscience teams to bring all of their technical and innovation prowess to the table.

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  • Future success is in the bag

    The Margerison-McCann Team Management Profile is playing a key role in leadership development programs designed to help snacks producer Calbee UK hit its ambitious growth targets.

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  • Lifting Performance to the Next Level

    A new level of leadership was required to address internal dysfunction, improve customer experience and drive greater growth and profitability.

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