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Find an Associate Marc Tscheuschner
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  • Accreditation in the suite of Margerison-McCann tools
  • Facilitation of team & leadership development programs
  • Executive programs
  • Online & on-the-ground workshops
  • Coaching & mentoring


  • Leadership
  • Team Building
  • Team Development
  • Programme Facilitation


  • Team Management Profile (TMP)
  • Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360)
  • Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (QO2) Profile
  • Window On Work Values (WoWV) Profile

Marc Tscheuschner


Marc Tscheuschner (born 1970) studied economics in Goettingen and Kassel. He worked as a business consultant for leading companies in the fields of strategy, marketing and process design. Since 2007, he has been the director and master trainer of Team Management Systems in Germany. He accredits facilitators and HR professionals in all the TMS tools and helps them to implement these ideas into their daily work. Marc, along with his team, develops training programs to improve team performance and leadership for companies throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He is the author and co-author of several books on TMS and management topics and if you are lucky you will find him as a keynote speaker at a conference. Marc is married, a proud father and lives with his family in Bad Nauheim/Germany.



"Many thanks to you dear Marc for your highly professional, informative, activating, inspiring and motivating accreditation workshop. My enthusiasm and joy still continues and I would like to get into action very quickly. I am especially impressed also from the excellent preparation, organization in the run-up and the postprocessing to ensure transfer!”

- Ines Schulz-Bücher, Coach, www.kommunikation-berlin.de


"A super exciting workshop with valuable insights! It was extremely interesting to see and understand how our team members "tick" and what an important contribution each one makes to the team success. The insights from the Team Management Profile will help us to better assess and use the potential in the future. Unrestricted recommendation!"

- Dr. Julia Freudenberg, CEO, Hacker School Hamburg


Marc is available to partner with organisations across Germany and Austria.