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Find an Associate Anne Barclay
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  • Developing Leaders and Leadership Teams
  • Developing New and Established Teams 
  • One on one Coaching
  • Tailored Workshops
  • Group Facilitation
  • Change Management and Restructuring


  • Leadership
  • Coaching
  • Team Development
  • Programme Facilitation


  • Team Management Profile (TMP)
  • Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360)
  • Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (QO2) Profile
  • Window On Work Values (WoWV) Profile

Anne Barclay


Anne has 20 years experience as a management consultant and facilitator working with organisations at all levels and across a wide spectrum of people and culture issues. She has worked extensively with teams from management level through to operational teams to improve their effectiveness and enable business improvement and organisational change. Anne believes that those organisations that take a planned, structured, investment approach to managing people do better than those that don't. This requires good systems, processes and practices delivered by skillful and supported leaders and teams.


"Anne introduced the Team Management Profile for our senior leaders and has since conducted engaging team development workshops throughout our business. Anne is our 'go to' facilitator bringing deep experience to our professional development. I recommend Anne as an engaging, expert facilitator adaptive to working well with people and teams at all levels."

- Shayne Christensen, Chief Executive, Abacus dx

Anne travels from Brisbane, QLD and is available to partner with organisations across Australia.