TMS Ethical Guidelines
Last updated: February 1, 2022
Team Management Systems (TMS) is committed to providing products and services to the highest standards of professional and ethical care.
The purpose for these TMS Ethical Guidelines is to promote high standards of personal integrity, including the responsible handling of respondent profiles and interactions with respondents. While the Ethical Guidelines do not, and cannot, deal with every situation that may arise, the principles provide a basis for honest and ethical decision-making and dealings. Failure to comply with these Ethical Guidelines could result in withdrawal of the accreditation status.
- Part A is for administrators and Accredited Practitioners.
- Part B is for Accredited Practitioners only who are subject to further ethical obligations.
These Ethical Guidelines relate to both single and multi-rater TMS profiles. A reference to ‘respondent’ and ‘profile’ should be interpreted in both the singular and plural. A ‘respondent’ is someone who has completed the TMS profile questionnaire and receives the resulting profile. An 'administrator' is someone who manages and is responsible for profile processing on behalf of an Accredited Practitioner. An 'Accredited Practitioner' is someone who has completed an authorised TMS accreditation and whose status is recognised by TMS as current.
Part A - Administrators and Accredited Practitioners
Each person must:
- Act with integrity and observe the highest ethical standards of business conduct in their dealings with TMS’ customers, respondents and anyone else with whom they have contact in association with TMS, its products or its services.
- Avoid conflicts of interest, comply with all applicable laws and regulations and uphold privacy and maintain confidentiality.
- Only use profiles, associated materials and concepts and models, in a professional manner, showing due care and skill, and attention to the needs of the respondent.
- Not access a respondent’s profile without authority to do so, nor share a respondent’s profile with people other than the respondent without the respondent’s permission. Note that a respondent’s profile is personal to the respondent and may contain personal information.
- Not use a profile (or its contents) as the sole criteria for recruitment, selection or placement; or to label or evaluate the respondent. Profiles, labels and concepts associated with respondent results must not be used in a judgemental manner.
Part B - Accredited Practitioners
In addition to Part A, Accredited Practitioner must, in addition to their obligations as set out in other TMS Policies and Codes:
- Provide a debrief to every respondent including an overview of their profile and associated concepts and models from an authorised source, including any TMS Accredited Practitioner.
- Inform respondents of the purpose of completing a profile questionnaire, and that it is voluntary.
- Provide accurate and non-judgemental information to the respondent about the meaning of their profile results with a focus on development.
- Regularly engage in continuing practicing education and training and keep their knowledge and skills up to date
Any questions in respect of these Ethical Guidelines can be directed to Team Management Systems.